JMC – REACT – Autumn Lectures 2022

Autumn Lectures 2022

On 27, 28 and 29 October 2022, the Jean Monnet Chair ‘REACT’ will launch the initiative “Autumn Lectures 2022”, a series of 3 seminars on international environmental Law, Justice and Ecocentrism.
All events can be attended in person or remotely on Microsoft Teams.
Students who participate in all 3 events will be awarded 1 cfu.

To register for the seminars, you must send an email to ( by the 26th of October.
Only UNICA students will be recognized 1 CFU*, but the participation is free.

*The Students from UNICA interested in the 1 CFU have to send an email to by 26th October 2022. To gain the CFU, the Students must attend all three events (in presence or in remote) and write a brief paper (in English or Italian, max 500 words) and send it by 21st November 2022 to

JMC REACT – Autumn Lectures 2022 1/3

27 October 2022
10:00-12:00, Aula CM 5, Campus Aresu, Via San Giorgio 12, University of Cagliari
(Live streaming on MS-Teams

 Guest Lecture on
The normative contours of international environmental law
Director of research at CNRS and CERIC, Aix-en Provence



JMC REACT – Autumn Lectures 2022 2/3

28 October 2022
10:00-12:00, Aula Magna Maria Lai, Viale Sant’Ignazio 120, University of Cagliari
(Live streaming on MS-Teams

International Seminar under GALILEO Project
An outlook of climate litigation: recent cases and issues
The use of International law in national climate litigation
French and Italian climate litigation: a comparative perspective
F. Mingozzi
Torres Islanders: the landmark decision of the Human Rights Committee
F. Ippolito
                                                              A re-joinder to Pierre Mingozzi

JMC REACT – Autumn Lectures 2022 3/3
29 October 2022
11:00-13:00, Aula 2, Viale Sant’Ignazio, 70, University of Cagliari
(Live streaming on MS-Teams

International Seminar
Ecocentrism & Justice
Vito De Lucia
An ‘ecosystem approach for international justice
Sara de Vido
Ecocentric approaches to (human) rights law:
developing a right to a healthy environment  through interpretation and cross-fertilisation
Francesca Ippolito
What kind of ecocentrism in EU law and justice ?
Zoi Aliozi
Climate Justice: ecocide as an international green crime

Autumn Lectures 2022 – Programme:
Poster_ The normative contours of international environmental law_Event 27 ottobre
Poster_Galileo_An outlook of climate litigation Event 28 Ottobre 2022
Poster_Econcentrism_Event 29 Ottobre