1st Summer Courses – Climate Change and International and EU Law: The obligation of international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation to climate change

Climate Change and International and EU Law: The obligation of international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation to climate change

1st Summer Courses
Jean Monnet Chair
“European Climate of Change – REACT”
5-9 June 2023, Cagliari (Italy)
University of Cagliari


The JEAN MONNET CHAIR ON EUROPEN CLIMATE OF CHANGE – REACT is pleased to announce the 1ST Summer Courses on “Climate Change and International and EU Law/ The obligation of international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation to climate change” directed to students at large, PhD students, Erasmus and international students during which a mixture of traditional ex cathedra lectures will be delivered by academics and practitioners with additional activities that will include a half-day roundtable. The Summer Courses will be held in a hybrid format (in person and online via the teams platform) from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Cagliari, Italy in AULA MAGNA BAFFI, viale Sant’Ignazio 74 from 9to 17.30.

Discover the Programme and fill the Application Form!