Laboratory of “IT Law” and “Computer Forensics”


The ICT4Law & Forensics laboratory (Laboratory of “IT Law” and “Computer Forensics”), whose activities are coordinated by Prof. Massimo Farina, was established on April 15, 2014, at the DIEE of the University of Cagliari with the aim of to start study, research and teaching activities of the two main disciplines born from the fusion of Law with the ICT world.

From the 2013/2014 academic year, the staff of the laboratory has been organizing the IT Forensic seminar, with the participation of teachers who come from the world of Digital Forensics: members of the police, magistrates, forensic experts, lawyers, etc.

In addition to forensic information technology, the main areas of interest of the laboratory are:

Legal protection of software and copyright
E-commerce and telematic bargaining
Legal protection of “domain names”
Protection of personal data in the telematic world
Privacy and protection of personal data in the telematic world
Digital Forensics, Computer Crimes and Cyber ​​Security