Ago 042019

Chiara Garau presents 2 papers entitled (i) “Smart City Governance and Children’s Rights: Perspectives and Findings from Literature on Natural Elements Influencing Children’s Activities Within Public Spaces” (co-authored with Alfonso Annunziata and David Vale); and (ii) “Smart Islands: A Systematic Review on Urban Policies and Smart Governance” (co-authored with Giulia Desogus and Pasquale Mistretta).

Nov 182018

The GHOST project is at Smart city expo WORLD CONGRESS (Barcelona, 13-15 November 2018) in  Snap4City – Km4City stand DISIT Lab. Chiara Garau and Paola Zamperlin present the project’s outcomes.

It is possible to see there  a photographic summary of Snap4City – Km4City during the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018 in Barcelona.
Ott 102018

Chiara Garau is invited as moderator of the session “Sustainable Management of Inland / Sea Waters and Coastal / Island Areas –Evidence-based Results” and she presents the paper entitled “Governing Technology -based Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of Sardinia (Italy)”  (co-authored with Paola Zamperlin, Margherita Azzari and Gianluca Melis)

 Scritto da in 10 Ottobre 2018  Events  Commenti disabilitati su 3rd ’SmartBlueCity’ Euro-Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition 2018 on “Featuring Territorial Intelligence of Small and Medium-sized Cities and Insular Communities in the Mediterranean Scenery – Building Bridges between Local Endeavors and Global Developments”, Larnaca, Cipro, 5-6 October, 2018  Tagged with: , , ,
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