Nov 282018

Chiara Garau modera la sessione Smart Cities e Sostenibilità Urbana parte 1  e Pauline Deguy presenta un articolo dal titolo “Il censimento […]

 Scritto da in 28 Novembre 2018  Events  Commenti disabilitati su Conferenza ASITA 2018 (Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali) Bolzano 26-29 Novembre 2018  Tagged with: , ,
Ott 102018

Chiara Garau is invited as moderator of the session “Sustainable Management of Inland / Sea Waters and Coastal / Island Areas –Evidence-based […]

 Scritto da in 10 Ottobre 2018  Events  Commenti disabilitati su 3rd ’SmartBlueCity’ Euro-Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition 2018 on “Featuring Territorial Intelligence of Small and Medium-sized Cities and Insular Communities in the Mediterranean Scenery – Building Bridges between Local Endeavors and Global Developments”, Larnaca, Cipro, 5-6 October, 2018  Tagged with: , , ,
Set 242018

Chiara Garau presents 3 papers entitled (i) “How has Cagliari Changed Its Citizens in Smart Citizens? Exploring the Influence of […]

Mar 072018
The 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2018 - Melbourne, July 2 - 5, 2018

  Eighteenth International Conference on “Is a smart city really smart? Models, solutions, proposals for an effective urban and social development” SMART-CITIES […]

 Scritto da in 7 Marzo 2018  Events  Commenti disabilitati su The 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2018 – Melbourne, July 2 – 5, 2018  Tagged with: , ,
Ott 092017

Simona Ibba presents a paper co-authored with Katiuscia Mannaro, Gavina Baralla, Andrea Pinna,  Chiara Garau entitled “Towards a Smart Region: […]

 Scritto da in 9 Ottobre 2017  Events  Commenti disabilitati su The fifth international IEEE workshop on e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services e-HPWAS’17 – Rome, October 9, 2017  Tagged with: , ,
Lug 052017

Chiara Garau presents a paper co-authored with Ginevra Balletto entitled “Smart City Governance in the Geo-resources Planning Paradigm in the […]

Giu 152017

Ugo Rossi presents his paper “The common-seekers: Smart-city laboratories and the remaking of urban entrepreneurialism” at a workshop entitled “Smart cities, smart […]

 Scritto da in 15 Giugno 2017  Events  Commenti disabilitati su “Smart cities, smart citizens? Power and participation in the digital city”, Hong Kong 15-16 June 2017  Tagged with: ,
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