
Giu 142017

The Region of Sardinia is starting to have data concerning cultural heritage, housing, tourism and much more. At first we thought we were working only for Cagliari, then only for the Metropolitan city of Cagliari. Let’s see what we can do for all Sardinian Region!

Km4city for GHOST project: STAY TUNED!


The first data published of GHOST project can be seen at the following link:

  1. Select from the right menu (‘Regular Services’ tab) the category ‘Accommodation’ or ‘EducationAndResearch’
  2. Center the map on Cagliari or Sardinian Region
  3. Choose the search range (for example, ‘visible area’)
  4. Click on the lens for the research
Mag 202017

Il giorno 25 maggio, dalle 16 alle 18, nel quadro delle attività didattiche del Corso di Pianificazione Territoriale (docenti del corso: Chiara Garau e Corrado Zoppi), nell’aula grande  al piano-terra dell’ex Dipartimento “DIGITA”, si terrà il Seminario dal titolo “Sustainable Urbanism: lessons from Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong  and Dublin”, proposto dal Prof. Federico Cugurullo, ricercatore nel  campo dello “Smart and Sustainable Urbanism” presso il Trinity College  di Dublino.
Il programma del seminario è disponibile al seguente indirizzo online:

Per informazioni è possibile contattare i docenti del corso di
Pianificazione Territoriale (,

Gen 312017


The 32nd Italian Geographers Congress

7-10 June, 2017. Rome, Italy



We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract proposal for the session “Smart and dynamic cities: data, indicators and analysis to understand cities, territories and human behaviors” at the 32nd Italian Geographers Congress, to be held on University La Sapienza in Rome, on 7-10 June, 2017.


For a complete description of the session see:

Abstract submission deadline: February 15, 2017

Please submit your proposal using the form:

Registration deadline: April 15, 2017

Fees and other information:


All the presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

A selection of papers will be evaluated for being published in a special issue of a double blind peer reviewed journal or a volume which will be communicated after the conference.


Paola Zamperlin, University of Cagliari; Margherita Azzari, University of Firenze; Arnaldo Bibo Cecchini, University of Sassari; Chiara Garau, University of Cagliari

Gen 102017

Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Dublin 4-7 June 2017

Governing the Smart City: a socio-environmental inquiry



Session organisers:

Federico Cugurullo, Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin,

Chiara Garau, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR), University of Cagliari, Italy

Ginevra Balletto, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR), University of Cagliari, Italy

Paola Zamperlin, Applied Geography Lab, Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Performance Arts (SAGAS), University of Firenze, Italy.


Smart-city initiatives are rapidly shaping the way urban and regional development is being understood and practiced across the world. Smart-city projects promote the implementation of a number of urban technologies as part of a broader urban trend towards big data, the Internet of Things and sensor networks. However, to date, it is unclear how such urban strategies impact on local environments and societies.

Focusing on urban governance, this session aims to expand the knowledge of the political machinery that is behind the conceptualisation, implementation and development of so-called smart cities. The objective of the session is twofold. We seek papers which critique the governance of current smart-city initiatives, but also studies that can help us reflect on how smart technologies can be used to better govern and develop cities.

More specifically, the session explores how different modes and tools of smart-city governance influence the following (and hitherto overlooked) socio-environmental aspects of smart-city initiatives as they impact on urban development and living:

  • Sustainability
  • Land use
  • Happiness
  • Education
  • Citizens’ behaviours
  • Technology acceptance
  • Urban economy
  • Smart devices/users relationships

Please submit proposals for papers in the form of a 250 word abstract through the Regional Studies Association conference portal by Friday 24th February 2017.


Nov 222016

Paola Zamperlin will present a paper co-authored with Chiara Garau, Paolo Nesi and Michela Paolucci entitled “A governance-centred approach to a smart city. Data collection and analysis of tourist behaviors in two Italian case studies“.

Ugo Rossi will present a paper entitled “Technology-based urbanism and its discontents: Promises and contradictions of the ‘smart-happy’ city” under the session  “Situating Smart – Spatial and Material Politics of Smart Urbanisation” coordinated by Andrew Karvonen (University of Manchester) and Federico Cugurullo (Trinity College Dublin).




 Scritto da in 22 Novembre 2016  Events  Commenti disabilitati su AAG (American Association of Geographers) Annual meeting Boston, Massachusetts (April 5-9, 2017)  Tagged with:
Nov 152016

The GHOST project is at Smart city expo WORLD CONGRESS (Barcelona, 15-17 November 2016) in Km4City stand DISIT Lab. Chiara Garau and Paola Zamperlin present the project’s outcomes.

All presentations of Km4City DISIT Lab are in the following link:

Nov 082016

Ginevra Balletto presenta un articolo dal titolo “Tra NATURA e ARTIFICIO. Cartografia storica per lo studio delle trasformazioni del paesaggio di Molentargius (Sardegna, Italia)” coscritto con Camillo Berti, Chiara Garau e Paola Zamperlin.

Il programma della conferenza è scaricabile al seguente link:

 Scritto da in 8 Novembre 2016  Events  Commenti disabilitati su Conferenza ASITA 2016 (Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali) Cagliari 8-10 Novembre 2016  Tagged with:
Ott 282016

Chiara Garau presenta gli esiti del progetto Governing tHe smart city: a gOvernance-centred approach to SmarT urbanism (GHOST) all’incontro per la costruzione della rete regionale “Territori intelligenti – Città sane” organizzata da Arnaldo Cecchini (Oristano, 28 Ottobre 2016)

 Scritto da in 28 Ottobre 2016  Events  Commenti disabilitati su Rete Regionale “Territori intelligenti – Città sane” (Oristano, 28 Ottobre 2016)  Tagged with: ,
Ott 222016

Michele Marchesi presenta il contributo dal titolo “La tecnologia blockchain e gli smart contracts come strumento di trasparenza e innovazione per le pubbliche amministrazioni” al convegno in memoria di prof. Giulio Concas “Per una Pubblica Amministrazione aperta e nativa digitale” (28 Ottobre 2016).
La locandina dell’evento al seguente link: locandina_pa-nativa-digitale_memorial-giulio-concas-2

 Scritto da in 22 Ottobre 2016  Events  Commenti disabilitati su Per una Pubblica Amministrazione aperta e nativa digitale: come usare tecnologie e normative recenti per migliorare la qualità dei servizi (Cagliari, 28 ottobre 2016)  Tagged with: , ,
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