Annalisa Bonfiglio




Annalisa Bonfiglio, PhD

DIEE – University of Cagliari
Piazza d’Armi – 09123 CAGLIARI (Italy)
Tel. +39 070 675 5764 Fax. +39 070 675 5782

Annalisa Bonfiglio graduated in Physics at the University of Genova in 1991 and got a PhD in Bioengineering at the Politecnico of Milano in 1996. In 1996, she joined the University of Cagliari, where she currently teaches Bioelectronics and coordinates the Course of Biomedical Engineering. Her main research interests are: Organic Semiconductors based Devices for applications in Electronics and in Biomedical Monitoring; Wearable Electronics; Sensors and Biosensors.
She is author of more than 130 among papers in International peer-reviewed journals, Conference proceedings, book chapters, books (as editor) and 8 patents. She participated as Principal Investigator to several international (EU and extra-EU), national and regional research projects. In particular, she was the Coordinator of the Integrated Project PROETEX (2006-2010, VI FP, EU-ICT, 23 partners all over Europe), dedicated to the realization of wearable systems assisting emergency operators and fire-fighters. Since 2004, she is Member of the Institute of Nanoscience of CNR. Since 2014, she has been appointed in the Board of Directors of CRS4 (Centre of Research, Development, and Superior Studies in Sardinia). Since 2015, she has been appointed Vice-Rector for Innovation and Territorial Strategy.

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