Apr 112017

The 3rd Conference on Organic BioElectronics in Italy – 2017 (OrBItaly – 2017) will be held on October 25 – 27, 2017 in Cagliari, Italy.

ORBITALY – ORganic BIoelectronics ITALY is a cross-disciplinary, international, conference that has attracted in the years a growing interest by scientists coming from all over the world on the emerging field of Organic Bioelectronics (see the list of the past speakers at: http://www.orbitaly.com/speakers.html).

OrBItaly-2017 will bring together the most excellent researchers in the field to discuss fundamental aspects of organic bioelectronics and to exchange ideas on future materials, technologies, and applications.

Please visit the OrBItaly-2017 web-site  http://sites.unica.it/orbitaly2017/  for further details.

contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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