How to reach us


We are located at the address:

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE), Building DIEE B (1)

Univerisity of Cagliari

Piazza D’Armi 09123

Cagliari (Italy)



See on Google Maps.



How to reach the Department


From the Airport:

By taxi: the trip takes more or less 15 minutes and costs around 20 Euro.

By train: take the train to the Railway Station (Stazione Ferroviaria). The ‘Elmas Aeroporto’ railway station is just a 5 minutes’ walk from the air terminal. The rail service starts at about 5AM and ends after 9PM with 20 mins. average frequency. The journey to and from downtown takes 5-7 mins, single fare is 1.25 euro. Tickets are sold by Trenitalia at the vending machine located inside the station, online and by official ticket counters and authorized dealers. For information on timetables, fares and further details, please contact Trenitalia at the Italian toll number 89 20 21 or visit Trenitalia website.

From the Railway Station or the Harbor:

By taxi: the trip takes more or less 10 minutes and costs around 7 Euro.

By bus: take the bus 5 in via Roma (Stazione FS) to Piazza D’Armi (Ingegneria) or the bus 8 in front of the Railway station (Piazza Matteotti) to Is Maglias (Dip. Ingegneria Elettronica). Ticket price 1.20 euro.

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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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