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Traditionally, the AUTOMATICA.IT workshop entails two different types of sessions: oral sessions and interactive sessions. Oral sessions consist of oral presentations, whereas the interactive sessions are devoted to poster presentations or “hands-on” demonstrations (e.g., small experimental devices, numerical toolboxes, and so on).

Being the current edition of the workshop organized in a virtual form, AUTOMATICA.IT 2020 will only include oral presentations delivered via the ZOOM platform. Not only theoretical or applied results but also “hands-on” demonstrations can be illustrated during the presentation. A time slot of 15 minutes will be devoted to each presentation.

The opening and closing dates for submitting contributions are set respectively to June 20th, 2020 (opening date) and July 10th, 2020 (closing date). English will be the official language.

The submission of contributions and proposals for special sessions can be made through the EasyChair system by clicking the following button (note that both types of submissions must be uploaded under the “Paper” category):

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Note that all presentations will be registered and posted on the website of the conference after its conclusion. While submitting a contribution, you are authorizing the registration of the presentation and its subsequent on-line publication.


Contributions consist of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages (free format) including figures and references. Contributions will be evaluated by a Program Committee on the basis of scientific value criterion.

Contributions should not be intended as original and unpublished works but instead as concise reports, accessible to the whole community, of individual research lines or by small groups, developed in the last two or three years. Contributions could also be devoted to summarize the results of recently concluded, or ongoing, research projects as well as to illustrate specific experimental application of theoretical results.


The organization of special sessions on specific topics and/or linked to ongoing national or international projects, are welcome. Proposals should be submitted via EasyChair with the same deadline of the regular contributions (July 10th, 2020), specifying the names of the organizers, the title of the session, a short description of the goals and the list of contributions (4 to 6 for each special session). The extended abstracts of individual contributions will be submitted independently by authors and will be evaluated by the Program Committee following the same criteria used for regular contributions.

As in the previous years, research groups are encouraged to promote the active participation of young researchers, PhD and post-doc students.


As usual, SIDRA will assign an award to the two best contributions presented at the workshop, according to the evaluation of an Award Committee. Contributions will be evaluated based on their theoretical and application value, as well as on the quality of the presentation. In particular, each award will consist of 1000 Euros to be shared by the authors of each selected contribution.