The Multi-Dataflow Composer Tool: a Runtime Reconfigurable HDL Platform Composer

Title: The Multi-Dataflow Composer Tool: a Runtime Reconfigurable HDL Platform Composer

Authors: Francesca Palumbo, Nicola Carta and Luigi Raffo
Conference: Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP)
Year: 2011
Abstract: Dataflow Model of Computation (D-MoC) is particularly suitable to close the gap between hardware architects and software developers. Leveraging on the combination of the D-MoC with a coarse-grained reconfigurable approach to hardware design, we propose a tool, the Multi-Dataflow Composer (MDC) tool, able to improve time-to-market of modern complex multi-purpose systems by allowing the derivation of HDL runtime reconfigurable platforms starting from the D-MoC models of the targeted set of applications. MDC tool has proven to provide a considerable on-chip area saving: the 82% of saving has been reached combining of different applications in the image processing domain, adopting a 90 nm CMOS technology. In future the MDC tool, with a very small integration effort, will also be extremely useful to create multi-standard codec platforms for MPEG RVC applications.
Presentation: DASIP_2011
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