
The SPaM workshops provide a friendly forum for people with expertise across different fields, who are learning to speak the same multidisciplinary language and keep pushing forward the research in intrapartum monitoring. Anyone interested in intrapartum fetal monitoring and/or passion for healthy labour outcomes is welcome, including medical doctors, midwives or other health care professionals, mathematicians, engineers, PhD Students, members of the public or industry representatives.

The 5th edition of SPaM will be held from July 1 to 3 in the astonishing frame of Sardinia, Italy, and precisely in its capital, Cagliari, a thousand-year city built on seven hills (yes, like Rome) and in front of a 12 km sandy beach in the warm Mediterranean sea. Save the date, and join us!

Look at the program here

For further information, please contact the organizers.

All the beautiful pictures of Cagliari in this website are by Andrea Achilli.