Women and girls in Science 2021



The General Assembly of the United Nations established February 11th as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in order to promote gender equality and ensure that women and girls gain equal access and participation in science.

On this date and in the following days, numerous initiatives will take place in many cities in Italy and all over the world with the aim of inspiring women and girls to be involved in science. With this same aim the mathematicians of the University of Cagliari, already involved in the projects of the PLS (Scientific Degree Plan), offer in this special day a series of activities dedicated to the most deserving students of the last two years of secondary schools.

For the first time the event will take place entirely online and male students will also be admitted, although a female prevalence will be guaranteed by reserving the 60% of the enrolments for girls.

All enrolled students will work in groups of 5 members (the group leader must be a girl) to create a poster or a report on a woman who made the history of Mathematics or on a mathematical topic of their choice. The groups will be remotely assisted in the preparation of their poster/report by the female researchers in Mathematics of University of Cagliari.

Each group will have about 15 minutes on the 11th of February to present its own work and the best work will receive a prize!

The activity is an integral part of the Scientific Degree Plan (PLS) and can be reported as PCTO (Pathways for Cross Skills and Orientation) for a total of ?? hours.

Each referring teacher can enrol 5 students by filling out the registration form no later than 24 January 2021.

The form is available at the following link:

 Women in Science Registration Form

Here are some thematic proposals for the students’ works.

Women and Mathematics

Maria Gaetana Agnesi
Marie-Sofie Germain: a paradigm against gender discrimination
Emma Castelnuovo
Maryam Mirzakhani (Fields Medalist)
Sofja Kovalevskaja
Grace Chirsholm Young
Émilie du Châtelet
Emmy Noether
Augusta Ada Lovelace
Katherine Johnson
Karen Keskulla Uhlenberg (Abel prize)
Mary Somerville
Hilda Geiringer and the challenges for applied mathematics: from nazism to gender discrimination
Angelina Cabras: female Mathematics in Sardinia


General mathematical topics

Probability: the theory of chance born almost for fun.
Tartaglia’s triangle: a triangle, infinite possibilities.
Is math the queen of chess? Connection between mathematics and chess.
PageRank: how math rearranges information on the web.
Platonic Solids.
Soap bubbles and Otto Frei’s tensile structures.
The catenary and its applications in engineering and architecture.