This year, the Orbitaly Conference will host an initiative dedicated to young researchers in the field. Under-35 participants are invited to propose ideas for developing new innovative applications that could be the subject of a future startup company. Ideas will be evaluated by a team of experts in business development and entrepreneurship, belonging to CREA – UniCA (Center for Entrepreneurship&Innovation Activities of the University of Cagliari). The best 3 ideas will be presented during the evening of October 25th and awarded with a 500 Euros prize and with the possibility (optional) to access to the consulting services of CREA –UniCA.
CREA-UniCA is involved in a number of initiatives for entrepreneurship promotion for students and it represents an attractor and a connection point where students, researchers, founders and national and international stakeholders meet for developing ideas and innovative projects. CREA-UniCA is coordinating a special program named Contamination LAB, which is an entrepreneurship initiative based on the learning-by-doing concept.
For further information, please follow these links:
In order to participate to the ideas competition, you only have to send a Power Point presentation (of max 10 slides) including information needed to evaluate your idea.
What you should include in your presentation?
- Who you are.
- What is the issue your idea solves. Talk about the issue you are solving (not from a scientific point of view, but from a business/social/market point of view) and who will benefit from your idea. You can talk about current solutions in the market. Your idea doesn’t need to tackle a large social problem, but you should address a need or opportunity in the market.
- Your target market. Sometimes the product itself defines the market. If not, then provide a very brief description of the target market.
- Describe who your ideal customer is and (possibly) how many they are. Describe how your idea fits into the competitive landscape and how it differs from the alternatives available on the market today. Every business has competition in one form or another. Even if you are opening up an entirely new market, your potential customers could be using alternative solutions to solve their problems today.
- Be simple and concise (no crowded slides)
- Remember that the person that will ultimately read the presentation has a business background and not a specific scientific background
Please confirm your intention to participate within October 6th sending an email to
Slide submission deadline is October 15th.