Mag 132024

The first conference for the project “Moving StEPS. MOVING from STreet Experiments to adaptive Planned Solutions” took place on Friday, May 10, 2024, at 3:00 pm at the “Mario Carta” Aula Magna, located in Piazza d’Armi in Cagliari.
The event highlighted the findings of the scientific research project, which had the same name and was funded by the MUR, under the PRIN 2022 call.
The participation in the event granted professional training credits to members of the OIC Order of Engineers Cagliari (3 Professional Training Credits), the Order of Industrial Experts of Cagliari (3 Professional Training Credits), and the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Conservationists – Southern Sardinia (4 Professional Training Credits).

The leaflet is available for download here (in Italian) and here (in English).


Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante 13 persone e redazione

The team after the International Conference “Moving StEPS. MOVING from STreet Experiments to adaptive Planned Solutions”


 Scritto da alle 19:16

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