Main Projects of the I&M Group

(2023-) PRIN 2022, funded by Italian Ministry of the University and Research, MUR: “Next-generation distributed synchronized measurement systems for smart grids with self-diagnostics capabilities and self-improvement of information quality“, NextSyMS. Prot. 2022RYZJT9. Principal Investigator: Carlo Muscas. Research Units: UniCa, University of Bologna, Politecnico di Milano.  The aim is to define an innovative distributed measurement system for efficient implementation of innovative applications in Smart Grids. The driving idea is that the huge amount of measured/estimated data available on both electrical and non-electrical quantities should be translated into actual information, i.e. accompanied by an indication about their quality, so that proper decisional rules can be adopted.  An innovative approach is proposed to make the measurement system able to self-detect its weak points and self-compensate their effects, in order to continuously improve its performance.

(2023-) PRIN PNRR 2022, funded by MUR: “Next quantum-based traceability and new accuracy description for synchronized multifrequency phasor measurements in modern distribution grids“, QuantAGrid. Prot. P20228WW42. Principal Investigator: Sara Sulis. Research Units: UniCa and Italian National Institute of Metrology Research, INRIM, Torino.  The main objectives of this project are: define a set of realistic signals and their reference values representing the behavior of modern distribution grids; develop a quantum-based reference system for direct calibration of PMUs and D-PMUs (PMU designed for distribution grids) and accurate error modelling with respect to signals of interest; define new information for the output data stream of PMUs and D-PMUs describing the measurement process conditions.

(2023-) PRIN 2022, funded by MUR: “Smart grid-connected power converters based on advanced synchrophasor-inspired harmonics measurements for holistic integration of renewable energy sources“, POWERHERO. Prot. 20224X2AYH. Responsible of the Cagliari Research Unit: Paolo Attilio Pegoraro. Research Units: Università degli Studi di Padova, UniCa, Università degli Studi di Trento.

(2020-) Research contract for Terna S.p.A. WAMS and PQM and DFR measurement systems for electric grids monitoring

The I&M group at DIEE has been chosen by the Italian Transmission System Operator, TSO, Terna, which manages one of the most advanced Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMSs) in the world, as technical consultant on PMUs (configuration, characterization, testing, etc.).

(2020-) Project “Spirulina NOA” funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, RAS.

The “Spirulina NOA” project intends to offer a business creation process with the aim of stimulating the development of an ecosystem of companies that can exploit spirulina and its derivatives.

(2019-) Project “ARIA” funded by the RAS, Centro Regionale di Programmazione L.R. 7/2007.
Information available here and here

Video ARIA project

(2019-) Slow Control development in the experiment DArTinArDM within the DarkSide Collaboration.

(2018-2019) Project “Spirulina del Sulcis” funded by the RAS, Centro Regionale di Programmazione L.R. 7/2007.
Informazioni sito Carbosulcis  

(2018-2020) Project UMR-BT (Remote Measurement Unit – Low Voltage) funded by Sardegna Ricerche – RAS.

The I&M group at UNICA is partner of REPL Italia Srl for this project, whose subject is a device to be installed in predetermined nodes of the Low Voltage network to detect and memorize the information on the monitored low voltage network. In particular, the UMR-BT will detect faults on the line (including date and time information), it will measure the effective values of current, voltage, active and reactive power passing through the measurement point.

(2018-2020) Project Smart RHC – IoT (Smart Reader-Hub Controller IoT) funded by Sardegna Ricerche – RAS.
DIEE is partner of Bithiatec Srl for this project, which aims at creating a stable, flexible and scalable platform, which allows constant monitoring of a large number of devices that acquire a wide range of electrical and non-electrical quantities. Furthermore, centralized and automatic procedures will be implemented to allow remote interaction with measuring devices.

(2018-2020) Cluster Top Down, SEMI, “Sistemi Efficienti ed affidabili per il Monitoraggio e la gestione Intelligente dell’energia elettrica” funded by the Region of Sardinia, “Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo POR 2014- 2020 L.d.A. 1.1.4”.  

(2018-2020) Project “SUM2GRIDS, Solutions by mUltidisciplinary approach for intelligent Monitoring and Management of power distribution GRIDS” funded by Fondazione di Sardegna within “Convenzione triennale tra la Fondazione di Sardegna e gli atenei sardi”.

(2017-2019) Industrial research project “Cagliari 2020”
Information available here
Cagliari 2020 is an industrial research initiative developed in the context of Smart Cities. The project consortium is composed of public and private partners: in addition to CRS4, it includes the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE) of University of Cagliari, INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics), Vitrociset (large enterprise) and Space (SME). Cagliari 2020 will see also the active involvement of the Municipality of Cagliari and the CTM, the metropolitan public transport company..  

(2017-2019) Research contract between Terna S.p.A. and EnSiEL, “Studio di soluzioni innovative per sistemi di misura distribuiti e sincronizzati per l’analisi dinamica delle reti elettriche”
In particular, this contract is on “Innovative solutions for distributed and synchronized measuring systems for the dynamic analysis of electrical network”. The first achievements have been the design and development of a high-performance large-bandwidth PMU prototype and the analysis of interoperability of a WAMS.  

(2015) Project with Terna SpA. “Support for PMU data analysis and models for the compensation of measurement errors.” 
This research contract was focused on the metrological characterization of PMUs and its main outcomes were the accurate experimental analysis of commercial PMUs, beyond the tests indicated in the IEEE standard on PMUs

(2013-2016) Project “Smart State Estimation: stima dello stato in una rete elettrica intelligente” funded by the RAS, “Bando RAS 2012”, L.R. August 7, 2007, n. 7.
The research project focused on the definition of the procedures, the measuring system, and the telecommunications infrastructure needed to perform the state estimation of a smart electric distribution network.  

(2012) Research contract between E.On Research Center RWTH Aachen University and DIEE: “Analysis of a PV plant in Italy, identification of causes for under-performance and of corrective measures”.

(2009-2011) PRIN 2008, funded by Italian Ministry of University: “Methods, architectures and devices with metrology validation for monitoring complex electric systems under reliability and robustness assurance”. 
Project of the Research Unit of Cagliari: “Robustness of distributed measurement methods and systems for monitoring, control, management and protection of electric power networks”.  

(2007-2009) PRIN 2006, funded by Italian Ministry of University: “Monitoring electric power distribution systems in a deregulated market scenario: metrological design and development of measurement architectures capable of ensuring result reliability”. 
Project of the Research Unit of Cagliari: “Distributed measurement systems for the monitoring of electric distribution networks: design, setting-up, metrological characterization and optimal placement of the measurement stations”.  

(2005-2007) PRIN 2004, funded by Italian Ministry of University: “Innovative methodologies and processes for information quality management in sensor networks”. 
Project of the Research Unit of Cagliari: “Sensor networks for the monitoring and management of electric networks in the presence of distributed generation by renewable energy sources”.