Progetti internazionali finanziati


Brazil, European Union e Italy: opportunity and perspectives of cultural and work mobility for a regional reality such as Sardinia.

The project studied the economic, diplomatic and political relationships between Brazil and the European Union with a particular focus on the relationship with Italy in order to find possible fields of action that a region like Sardinia can promote in order to insert its economic and productive background with respect to a reality such as a Latin-American country with a strong economic expansion. The focus has been given particularly to the Academic links that can help students and researchers mobility.
The research had as direct outcomes the creation and enhancement of exchange programs with two universities of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil:

PUC – Campinas

PUC – Campinas
Unicamp – Campinas

Unicamp – Campinas
With both universities the Exchange program is active and has generated an interchange of students and researchers and to date two students came from Brasil to the University of Cagliari (1 as a traineeship student, 1 as a mobility student).

Moreover talks are still undergoing with the Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, with which it is under discussion the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. The FGV is already ready, as a university, to host students and researchers as a visiting scholars or study experiences in their see of Rio de Janeiro.

The Project was done thanks to a financing awarded in 2014 by the Fondazione Banco di Sardegna.


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