Feb 112016

The Delegation of the European Union in Washington, DC offers internships to university graduates with no, or limited, relevant professional experience, as well as to students in the final years of university

The internship program offers dynamic individuals the opportunity to learn about the work of one of the EU’s largest and most active diplomatic missions and to develop a comprehensive understanding of the EU-U.S. relationship. Internships at the Delegation are voluntary (non-remunerated) internships.

To be considered for the program, applicants must:

– have completed a minimum three years of university-level courses,
preferably in political science, law, economics, development studies,
environment studies, human rights/humanitarian law or communications
– be fluent in English; knowledge of the workings of the European Union
would also be an advantage
– be computer literate
-if selected for an internship, provide proof of comprehensive medical and
accident insurance valid in the USA for the duration of the internship
– have not already benefited from previous in-service training or
employment (paid or unpaid) with any of the EU institutions or bodies

To apply, please submit an application, a resume or CV, a cover letter, and a letter of recommendation from a recent professor or employer. Full details at:


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