

systex logo.jpg

Project title: Coordination action for enhancing the breakthrough of intelligent textile systems (e-textiles and wearable microsystems)
Project Acronym: SYSTEX
Project Reference: 224386
Years: 2008-2011

Project description

Wearable electronics embedded in or transformed into textile systems are a new generation of products that contribute to economy as well as to society. SYSTEX wants to bring partners involved in European projects in this area together in order to group the results of numerous efforts that are currently going on. It wants to expand the platform to national level and to merge textiles and organic electronics. Inter-project agreements must enable a higher level of exchange of knowledge and materials between linked projects. Information on technical and non technical aspects of RTD and commercialization of intelligent textile systems will be collected and made available through a web based tool. Training materials will be collected as well as demonstrators that can be used for specialists as well as for a wider public. The project wants to become a single point of contact for all matters related to intelligent textile systems, linking existing initiatives and completing their activities.

Project details

Project Acronym: SYSTEX
Project Reference:224386
Start Date: 01/05/2008
Duration: 36 months
Project Cost: 800000 euro
Contract Type: IP – Integrated Project
End Date: 31/07/2011
Project Funding: 800000 euro

contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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