Francesca Mocci graduated in Chemistry in 1999 (summa cum laude at UNICA) and obtained her PhD in Chemistry in 2002 (UNICA). Since 2006 she is researcher in Organic Chemistry (SSD CHIM03) at the Dept. of Chemical and Geological Sciences at UNICA. She is Aggr. Prof. in Physical Method in Organic Chemistry (2006-) and Organic Chemistry (2015-) at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biology. She has been delivering several other courses either at Cagliari University, or at other Universities in Sweden, Slovakia and Brazil, concerning molecular modeling and/or NMR. In the period 2011-15 she has been Visiting Prof. at Stockholm University. In 2015 she has been hired as External Foreign Expert at Univerzita Pavla Josefa Safarika (Slovakia), and has served the Swedish Science Council sitting in the committee for Swedish Grant Proposal Evaluation.
FM is a Computational and Theoretical Chemist, specialized in the study of conformational preferences, physical and chemical properties of (bio)organic molecules and biological systems and of their interactions with ions and ligand molecules. The studies are carried out using the state-of-the-art modelling and simulation techniques based either on quantum or classical mechanics (or both), frequently combined with experimental NMR or SAXS investigations in collaborations at both national and international level. She has been research group member or PI in national or regional project, and member of two COST actions (CM1002 and CM1402).
FM has been involved in the organization of several local, national and international conferences, being the Chair of the International conference of Theoretical Biophysics in 2015, and sitting now in its scientific committee. She has participated to more than 50 national and international conferences, with more than 10 invited oral presentations.